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About Me


Hi there!  I'm Cassidy, a self-proclaimed stitcher.  I have come to love all things stitchy whether it's knitting stitches, sewing stitches, hand stitches or crochet stitches.  I want this blog to be a source of inspiration, help, and interest to everyone that is a maker.  I have many interests within the realm of stitching and fiber arts.  Some of my previous, unfortunately undocumented, projects include a Grinch cheer-meister sweater, a black lace crochet skirt, and a Tardis corset.  Some plans for the future include knitting wrist warmers (my basement apartment is freezing for my crafting hands), learning to make crochet lace, and learning embroidery beyond the very basic stitches I know. 


I am excited to share my successes, failures, and journey.  I want every project to teach, challenge, and bring to joy to someone.

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