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Cassidy's Stitchery

A place to document everything stitch-y.



I find knitting to be so relaxing.  I try to learn something new with every project I take on.  So far my favorite project has been a Grinch sweater I made for my sister.



Crochet is amazing.  It allows almost absolute freedom to stitch where you want.  My first crochet project was a Harry Potter blanket, and I've only gotten better since then.



With sewing, I as often as not make up my own patterns or mash up different ones.  Sometimes it turns out great, other times not so much.


Everything Else

If it has to do with yarn, fabric, thread, or anything up that alley, I am interested.  Weaving, interested. Tatting, interested.  Embroidery, interested.

Therapy Sessions

Hi!  The idea for this website started as a way to save all the projects I complete.  I want to remember what worked, what didn't, and what I learned.  Then, I thought, why not share all these things with other people that like to create?  Hopefully you can learn a new thing or two, be inspired, or connect with a stitcher that's as passionate as you.  So browse a little.  See where the rabbit hole takes you.

About me

I am a self taught stitcher.  I began knitting early in high school, and crochet followed shortly after.  I've been sewing since I was about 15. I like to create for my family and friends; giving handmade items is one of my favorite things on the planet.

What's Next

With almost everything I create, I try to do something new even if it's only new to me.  I try to challenge my skills and expand my abilities.  I am constantly adding new projects to my wish list of things to make, so I devised a first in first out queue to keep from having to make the agonizing choice of what to do next.  Here's what is coming to the site!


Zebra Lovey


More Princesses


Daniel Tiger Dolls


My First Embroidery!

Curly-Haired Doll

In crafting there are no mistakes.  It is your own unique creation.

Unknown (at least to me)

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